


  1. 様々なAssay
  2. Part1: Transport and Signaling
    1. Unit: Membranes, Lipids, and Proteins
    2. Unit: Intracellular Transport and Protein Secretion
    3. Unit: Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Transport
    4. Unit: Signal Transduction
    5. Unit: Signaling Pathways and Regulatory Paradigms
  3. Part 2: The Cytoskeleton and Cell Cycle
    1. Unit: Microscopy
    2. Unit: The Actin Cytoskeleton
    3. Unit: The Microtubule Cytoskeleton
    4. Unit: Force Generation and Movement
    5. Unit: 細胞分裂
    6. Unit:Cell Cycle Regulation
    7. Part2の感想ブログ
  4. Part3: Cell Biology: Cell-Cell Interactions
    1. Unit: Cell Adhesion and Polarity
    2. Unit: Morphogenesis, Stem Cells, and Regeneration
    3. Unit: Cell Death and Autophagy
    4. Unit: Host-Pathogen Interactions
    5. Unit: Cell Biology of Immune Systems
    6. Unit: Cancer and Metastasis
    7. Part3と全体の感想

edXのCell Biology: Transport and Signaling及び、その続きの2つのコースについてのノート。




Part1: Transport and Signaling

PngNoteのCellBiology706x slideがページno.

Unit: Membranes, Lipids, and Proteins

Unit: Intracellular Transport and Protein Secretion

Secretory proteinがどう輸送されていくか。

Unit: Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Transport

Unit: Signal Transduction

Unit: Signaling Pathways and Regulatory Paradigms


Part 2: The Cytoskeleton and Cell Cycle

Cell Biology: The Cytoskeleton and Cell Cycle

PngNoteのCellBiology706x2 slideがページno.

Unit: Microscopy

Unit: The Actin Cytoskeleton

Unit: The Microtubule Cytoskeleton

Unit: Force Generation and Movement

Unit: 細胞分裂

Unit:Cell Cycle Regulation


edXのCell Biology Part2の感想 - なーんだ、ただの水たまりじゃないか 感想書いた。

Part3: Cell Biology: Cell-Cell Interactions

Cell Biology: Cell-Cell Interactions

CellBiology706x3@PngNote slideがページ数。

Unit: Cell Adhesion and Polarity

3種類のCell-Cell Adhesionを見ていく。

Unit: Morphogenesis, Stem Cells, and Regeneration

Unit: Cell Death and Autophagy

Unit: Host-Pathogen Interactions

Unit: Cell Biology of Immune Systems

Unit: Cancer and Metastasis



edXのCell BiologyのコースのPart3の感想 - なーんだ、ただの水たまりじゃないか